A cousin of a farmer came one day to visit his house. The farmer was not at home at the time and his wife welcomed the friend and brought him into the house.

A cousin of a farmer came one day to visit his house. The farmer was not at home at the time and his wife welcomed the friend and brought him into the house. She told him that her husband had gone out into the fields and that she would send someone to call him back home.

It didn’t take long and the farmer returned home with his dog who always accompanied him wherever he went.

The dog was barely breathing and when he saw this, the friend asked him: Are your fields too far from home?

The farmer answered: No, I don’t have them far, they are pretty close from here.

Why are you asking me? The friend said to him: It amazes me that even though you and your dog came back together and walked the same distance, he is barely breathing while you are so calm and relaxed. The farmer smiled and answered: It’s true, me and my dog ​​did it the same road and he is tired while I am not.

The reason for this is that the dog is bound by force of habit. While I went straight on my way unconcerned by what was going on around me, the dog chased after every other dog that came in front of us and chased it away by barking.

Because of this habit, he couldn’t resist and just ran away whenever he saw another dog.

The whole his journey was running, barking and chasing other dogs out of our way. That’s why he’s tired and I’m not. Lesson: If we look deeper, the same situation happens with man today. Achieving the goal in life is not very difficult, but the negative people he meets along the way make him deviate from the easy path of his life.

Man is diverted from his purpose and this deviation wears him down. This fatigue is the biggest obstacle to achieving his goal and that person’s energy is all consumed by the negative people he encounters along his journey in life.

Ignore these types of people, keep moving forward in the direction of achieving the goal and you will see that you will arrive at the destination.

Now after reading this story, you, dear reader of my blog, it is up to you to decide whether you will continue the journey straight like a farmer or barking like a dog.

I really hope that you liked this story, friends, and that I was able to convey the right message without offending any of you. I have no choice but to thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me.


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