16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

Nature is very picky sometimes.

It makes some people attractive from birth, others become attractive with age, and there are those who have to work hard to make themselves beautiful.

The heroes of our article had to go through ups and downs, but found their glow in the end.

We love these kinds of stories and are delighted by those who blossomed into beautiful swans.

What a 10-year difference can do

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

  • I would have never expected that last photo after seeing the first photo. You used to be a dorky
    and cute boy and became a Greek god. © TheMeerrettich / Reddit

“I grew teeth, cut my hair, and grew a beard, all in that order.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed


  • I raised up to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. You’re really handsome! © kymmnosal / Reddit

Harry Potter in childhood, and a gorgeous woman in adulthood

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed


“Not washing your face with the same loofa you use to wash your body can really do wonders.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed


“I’m 17 in the top 2 photos and 23 in the bottom 2.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed


“14 to 24 — I was bullied a lot as a kid.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

“21 vs 31 years old”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

First pic isn’t bad.

  • How did you get a more defined jawline and cheekbones? © astralrig96 / Reddit
  • I’m seeing some resemblance to Sam Winchester here. A more well-groomed and put together Sam Winchester, though. © bunnyfloofington / Reddit

“19 vs 25 years old”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

“16 to 32 — beards are magic.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

Its the eyes that are the same

Haircuts matter, 16 vs 21.

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

“About a decade apart, 13 and 22.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

“Ages 16-25, I was always picked on when I was younger!”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed


“Ages 10 and 19 — it has been quite a journey for me.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed


“17 vs 30”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

“13 and 23 years old — I lost the glasses, still have the coat though.”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

“Just take off your glasses! 13 vs 21 years old…”

16 People Who Blossomed Into Beautiful Swans After Their Teenage Years Had Passed

Did you change a lot after getting older? Tell us in the comments below.


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