The Role of Obesity in Diseases That Cause Brain Aging

Large fat deposits in the waist area are dangerous to health, and may even increase the risk of developing sclerosis in adults.

This is the conclusion of a study published in April of this year.

The study was conducted in South Korea and involved 473,000 people over the age of 65.

Over 6 years, 13 percent of study participants were diagnosed with dementia.

The prevalence of this disease was greater among men who had a healthy body mass index but a waist wider than 90 centimeters.
The Role of Obesity in Diseases That Cause Brain Aging

What Is Dementia?

According to the Institute of Public Health, dementia is a term that describes a group of symptoms: such as gradual loss of memory, a decline in the ability to think and reason, and problems with communication.

The risk of dementia includes:

  • age,
  • genetic inheritance,
  • excessive use of alcohol,
  • hypertension
  • High cholesterol.
  • Narrowing of blood vessels

According to the ISHP, dementia is considered one of the most misunderstood diseases these days for the reason that some think it comes with age and therefore has no treatment or is confused with Alzheimer’s disease.
The Role of Obesity in Diseases That Cause Brain Aging

The role of obesity in this group of diseases

The aforementioned researchers came to the conclusion that waist size in adults and in the third age is much more important than the body mass index.

This is because in the third age, people lose muscle mass and have more fat deposits without necessarily gaining weight.

Accumulations of fat in the waist area are dangerous not only for diseases that affect the brain but also for heart diseases and diabetes.

If that wasn’t enough, researchers warn that people who are fat in the abdomen have a smaller brain volume.

Fat deposits in this area, according to experts, weaken the performance of the brain, reduce attention but also the ability to perceive changes and similarities between different objects. /


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